“THE BIG THREE” – Dovima, Suzy Parker & Jean Patchett


“THE BIG THREE” Dovima, Suzy Parker & Jean Patchett Iconic Vogue Models



Jean Patchett – “THAT FACE!” – YouTube Video


Jean Patchett : That Face!” Sung by Frank Sinatra Jr.

Jean Patchett Interview

Edward R. Murrow Person to Person
Jan 28,1955

Jean Patchett was featured on CBS Television on Edward R. Murrow’s show Person to Person on January 28, 1955.

In Mr. Murrow’s introduction he said: “Jean Patchett has been the most sought after model for nearly seven years now.” Murrow, an Emmy Award winning journalist whose show was in its 2nd season, interviewed Jean in episode 22. Jean and husband Louis Auer V were broadcast live from their home in the relaxed style of Mr. Murrow’s TV journalism. The innately curious public got a firsthand peek inside the home and could hear and see Jean personally during conversations with Mr. Murrow. The discussions were opened by Edward R. Murrow from his wingback chair in the studio, while several television cameras at different locations allowed Jean and Louis to answer questions, and have conversations from various rooms in their home. When Edward R. Murrow asked Jean what color her eyes were? Jean replied: “Oh don’t you know?” “Why they’re brown; you’ll have to come in a little closer.” The camera moved in close to Jean’s face and focused on her eyes. Jean also spoke about the “Doe Eye” craze and what high fashion was and why models posed with serious expressions on their faces. She laughed and relaxed more for the camera as she then took a tour to show a display of her Vogue Covers. She also demonstrated for the camera how she applied make-up to her eyes and eye brow.

The 15 minute program with Jean Patchett was during the 6 year run of Mr. Murrow’s Person to Person.

New CHANEL Ad 2012

2012 CHANEL Ad using Jean Patchett 1950 Cover


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